The reason I started this blog is mainly so that I could share stories and pictures about my day-to-day life...but also to start a chain of kindness (ahhh, Kindly, Kate). Every Wednesday, I'm going to share a kind thing I did the previous week, along with a picture/video, and a kind thing that someone did for me. The idea is, I will become a better and more appreciative person and the world will become a better place, one kind act at a time.
And so today, being Wednesday, here is my first kind act.
My very good friend Danielle has been going through some major health issues these past couple months, and has racked up quite the large amount of medical bills. Her dear husband is working 6 days a week to help pay them off, and Danielle is in and out of the hospital and doctors offices, which means that sometimes they can't make it to pick their 5-year-old up off the bus or bring her to activities. My boyfriend and I (henceforth always known as Handsome, or some variation) have stepped up and act as Emma's helpers. Every weekend, we spend time with them, bring her places, and do things with her. This past weekend, her dad was working and couldn't come to her first soccer game, and Emma was really disappointed. We decided to give up our Saturday and watch our little friend play in her little uniform (really, this was not so much of a hardship, because she is so precious- I promise a better one next week).

My favorite clip from the game- she get's a highfive from her coach, and then sits down on the field. In the middle of the game. She's a girl after my own heart.
SO- here is my first giveaway....
(Follow my blog, and then...)
Please comment below with a kind story from your week. It can be something that you did OR something that someone did for you. I will then pick what I think is the best answer, and send the reader a batch of my delicious homemade almost-flourless ganache brownies. Your tongue will thank me.
(contest ends April 30th- submissions must be from U.S. in order to be considered for brownies, but please post anyway even if you don't live in this country. I'll send you a postcard!)