Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I was (am) a big geek

Inspired by the post at Four Plus An Angel, I decided to do a link up post about being a Senior Hottie from A Belle, a Bean, and a Chicago Dog.
My senior year of high school, I was a dork. A geek.
The dictionary describes it as "a person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest."
My interest was music.
During my senior year of high school, I was in Peter Pan, played in 5 concert band performances and two parades, competed in 8 marching band competitions, and even performed for President Obama, who personally thanked the band in his speech.
These are my pictures (I found it hard to stop at one)

I make no excuses.

Senior Picture

In costume as an Indian for Peter Pan

Concert Band

Christmas Parade
Co-Captain of the Colorguard

Back-of-the-dress shot

Obligatory Parent/Child Graduation Picture
Final Performance

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I've Been Away for Far Too Long...

Today is my last day of classes and then next week starts finals- I'll be done Thursday the 19th! This past couple weeks have been Oh So busy with projects and papers! I'm so looking forward to writing several posts to make up for my lack of writing anything other than lesson plans and learning experiences. Unless of course you'd like me to post a lesson plan? One of them is zoo themed! Just kidding :)
But now I want to go to the zoo...


Send me luck and wishes for next week!

Kindly, Kate xoxo